The first day of study is officially completed! 🎉
It is today that the first three groups of participants in the educational project under the WE ACT program: we are acting for women and their capabilities, which we implement with the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine - UNFPA Ukraine, began their training in the specialties of manicure and master.
Girls are very active, share in social networks with the first impressions, the first photos and videos of the educational process and even with their first practical workouts 💅riage
For us, it is a very important point in this training - the practice and development of the skills, because it is exactly what we will not be able to get, even during the most useful online learning. So we will have a lot of practice)
Thank you to our training centers for their hospitality and professionalism, you are really the best in everything! 🤝
Study Studio of Hairdressing Arts Etual Study Study Etual
Helen & Nail Profi Heln_nail Manicure Studio
Tsivkovskaya Studio-School Tsivkovskaya_studio
Background: We Act: UNFPA, UNFPA, Acting for Women and their capabilities, UNFPA, the UN Foundation for Population with the European Union financial support.
It is today that the first three groups of participants in the educational project under the WE ACT program: we are acting for women and their capabilities, which we implement with the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine - UNFPA Ukraine, began their training in the specialties of manicure and master.
Girls are very active, share in social networks with the first impressions, the first photos and videos of the educational process and even with their first practical workouts 💅riage
For us, it is a very important point in this training - the practice and development of the skills, because it is exactly what we will not be able to get, even during the most useful online learning. So we will have a lot of practice)
Thank you to our training centers for their hospitality and professionalism, you are really the best in everything! 🤝
Study Studio of Hairdressing Arts Etual Study Study Etual
Helen & Nail Profi Heln_nail Manicure Studio
Tsivkovskaya Studio-School Tsivkovskaya_studio
Background: We Act: UNFPA, UNFPA, Acting for Women and their capabilities, UNFPA, the UN Foundation for Population with the European Union financial support.